Brett Truett - Community ideas
Oriskany 5S Traffic ConceptTraffic Idea for Downtown Utica In 2003 the current Mayor shared the follow plans with the New York State Department of Transportation. DOT said it “solved many problems”, and the Chamber of Commerce passed a resolution in support of the concept. The below East-West route concept, plus new access and business development options, should be consider as the Oriskany Boulevard and Genesee Street intersection is being looked into for modifications.
City of Utica could gain a 'Central Park' like setting with modest
roadway investiments. Traffic safety improves, easier traffic patterns emerge that support new neighborhoods, multiple new business sites that spur new econonmic development and revenue. Under utilized roads are given new importance.
New East-West Route Downtown
East End, Before
East End, After - Main Street given an exit ramp as traffic comes into Utica from the East. As west bound 5S traffic arrives into Utica it flows westerly onto Broad Street. Traffic can also make right hand turn onto Broad to connect to Mohawk Street and west end of Broad Street. Local traffic can proceed onto a narrowed-down old 5S to arrive at the Utica OD, etc. New commercial or mixed-use buildings are added between Main Street and railroad traffics.
West End, Before
West End, After - New options support increased use of AUD, parking is expanded and both east and west bound traffic has easy access. North-bound traffic simply bends north on MUD Project. West bound traffic stays to left, and going under AUD parking, merges back onto Oriskany Boulevard west-bound. East-bound traffic on Oriskany Boulevard has two options for AUD parking and neither requires crossing the west-bound traffic as it now flows behind AUD.